Odds Ends - Cover

Odds & Ends

Film Notes

Original Title: Odds & Ends

Country, year: India, 2021
Duration: 12′
Color: colore

Director: Prachi Bari


Screenplay: Prachi Bari

Photography: Devendra Godse, R. N. Sonawane

Film editing: Devendra Godse, R. N. Sonawane


Production: Prachi Bari, R. N. Sonawane, Varsha Pandit, Lyle Pearson


Screening info

  Location: Auditorium Vincenzo da Massa Carrara di Lucca | Date: 28/09/2022 Time 09.30

Cortometraggio | Documentario


A world where plastic waste is garnering more media coverage and creating a cause for concern, 24 year old Vivek Gurav has began a movement, of changing the mindset of the youth and the people alike, giving a possible solution against the burgeoning problem of plastic and garbage.

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