When the Mill Hill Spoke to Me - Cover

When the Mill Hill Trees Spoke to Me

Film Notes

Original Title: When the Mill Hill Trees Spoke to Me

Country, year: Svezia, 2021
Duration: 18′
Color: colore

Director: Kirsikka Paakkinen


Screenplay: Kirsikka Paakkinen

Photography: Kirsikka Paakkinen

Film editing:

Music: Lauri Uusitalo

Production: Kirsikka Paakkinen


Screening info

  Location: Auditorium Vincenzo da Massa Carrara di Lucca | Date: 28/09/2022 Time 09.30

Cortometraggio | Documentario


The filmmaker returns to her childhood village. As she looks at her own past and the place’s history, a poetic investigation into the relationship between human and nature takes form.

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