Focus 2024


Works section Focus > Tuscany

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2024, 55’, col.
Directors: Patrizia Lazzari, Mariana Giurlani

The documentary follows the story of a woman of the last century that decided to go against conventions and respectability to choose love. Adelah was a princess of royal blood, living an uncommon role and condition, which was also why her decision had great consequences on her life. The actions and feelings of the rebel princess reflect those of many other women who want to build their own destiny by challenging their condition with courage and determination.

World Premiere
Cinema Astra

Monday 23 sept. 2024 h 22.30

C’E’ UN POSTO NEL MONDO (There is a place in the world)
Italy, 2024, 105’, col.
Director: Francesco Falaschi
Screenplay: Alessio Brizzi e Francesco Falaschi
Cinematography: Giuseppe Pignone
Film Editing: Claudio Di Mauro
Music: Paolo Vivaldi
Cast: Cristiana Dell’Anna, Luigi Fedele, Daniele Parisi, Alessandra Arcangeli, Alessia Barela, Cecilia Dazzi, Iacopo Olmo Antinori, Gaja Masciale, Massimo Salvianti, Valentina Martone, Paolo Sassanelli, Fabrizia Sacchi, Angela Pepi
Production: Kahuna Film

The film “There is a place in the world” explores three intertwined stories of personal growth and change, set in the context of a small Italian town that serves as both a refuge and a crossroads for the protagonists’ vital decisions. Each episode explores themes of belonging, change, and the search for a balance between the past and future aspirations, immersing us in a narrative that deeply values human relationships and personal growth.

Auditorium Banca Del Monte
Monday 23 sept. 2024 h 10.00
Auditorium Banca Del Monte
Wednesday 25 sept. 2024 h 21.30

Italy, 1973, 120’, col.
Director: Florestano Vancini
Screenplay: Lucio Battistrada, Florestano Vancini
Cinematography: Dario Di Palma
Film Editing: Nino Baragli
Music: Egisto Macchi
Cast: Mario Adorf, Riccardo Cucciolla, Damiano Damiani, Vittorio De Sica, Giulio Girola, Manuela Kustermann, Renzo Montagnani, Gastone Moschin, Stefano Oppedisano, Umberto Orsini, Franco Nero
Production: Claudia Cinematografica

The assassination of a political enemy and its consequences confirm the strength of the Fascist Party in Italy and pave the way of its ascent to power and the beginning of a totalitarian regime.

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2023, 20’, col.
Directors: Daniele Ricci, Emanuele Ricci
Screenplay: Daniele Ricci, Emanuele Ricci, Eugenio Krilov
Cinematography: Daniele Ricci
Film Editing: Emanuele Ricci, Eugenio Krilov
Music: Diego Guarnieri
Cast: Eugenio Krilov, Adriana Papana, Nicolò Cerreti
Production: Red Planet Video Production

In a medieval dark fantasy atmosphere, a fearless warrior embarks on a painful and exhausting journey to bring back what he has lost.

Cinema Astra
Saturday 28 sept. 2024 h 18.30

Italy, 2023, 28’, col.
Directors: Students of class IV D Barga Linguistic High School 2022-23, Stefano Cosimini (supervision)
Screenplay: Francesco Tomei
Film Editing: Students of class IV D Barga Linguistic High School 2022-23, Stefano Cosimini (supervision)
Cast: Gabriele Bertagni, Andrea Campoli, Lucia Morelli, Andrea Pedri, Umberto Bertolini, Manola Bartolomei, Dario Filippi, Oscar Guidi, Silvio Fioravanti, Francesca Marchetti, Francesco Lenzi, Francesco Baldini, Bogdan Ilie Ciornei, Sofia Frati, Sofia Cavani
Production: Associazione Artistic Soul

The Garfagnana and the Media Valle del Serchio areas are borderlands surrounded by the mysteries of ancient legends and superstitions that have taken root in the behaviors, habits and customs of their inhabitants. This remote area in Tuscany has an immaterial heritage of oral traditions that has been disappearing in the last decades, but how much have these ancient beliefs left their mark on the new generations?

Italian Premiere
Cinema Astra

Monday 23 sept. 2024 h  21.00
Cinema Astra
Tuesday 23 sept. 2024 h 10.00

Italy, 2024, 85’, col.
Director: Maria Erica Pacileo
Screenplay: Maria Erica Pacileo
Filmed by: Fernando Maraghini
Film Editing: Maria Erica Pacileo
Cast: Isabella Tobino, Michele Zappella, Paola Italia, Stefano Redaelli with the exceptional participation of Laura Simi, Damiano Foà 
Production: Fernando Maraghini for Fez Film in collaboration with Mario Tobino Foundation

The film ‘Mario Tobino, per le antiche mura’, written and directed by Maria Erica Pacileo, is a tribute to the great psychiatrist and writer Mario Tobino (Viareggio 1910 – Agrigento 1991). Through careful directorial lyricism, Maria Erica Pacileo tells us about the inhumanity of madness and humanity of the ill: two elements masterfully narrated by Tobino in his four novels dedicated to his own work as a psychiatrist at Maggiano’s hospital, near Lucca, where Tobino ‘lived’ in those two tiny rooms of ‘Casa Medici’ from 1943 to 1980, and where he operated as head physician in the women’s section. Numerous voices alternate in the film, first and foremost that of Isabella Tobino, to testify to the great literary and scientific value of Tobino, who towards the end of his career contrasted his own thinking with that of Basaglia. Many years later, this intellectual diatribe shows us how much the two psychiatrists were guided by the same intention: that of love for the ‘mentally ill’. The same love that lies at the heart of ‘care,’ and which Tobino confessed to the entire world in 1953, upon the publication of his masterpiece ‘Le libere donne di Magliano’ (‘The free women of Magliano’), where he loudly declared: ‘Anche i matti son creature degne d’amore!’ (‘Even the insane are creatures worthy of love!’).

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

PINK FLOYD – ECLIPSE (50th Anniversary Competition Winner’s Video)
Italy, 2024, 2’, col.
Director: Monica Fibbi

Winning video of the contest launched by Pink Floyd for the 50th anniversary of the album “The Dark Side Of The Moon”. The video was chosen for interpreting the track “Eclipse” and was the third most voted of the entire album by a jury composed of Kyle Alba, Gerald Scarfe, Sarah Smith, Daisy Jacobs, Harry Pearce, Terry Gilliam, Alan Yentob, Anton Corbijn and Nick Mason of Pink Floyd.

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2023, 64’, col.
Director: Francesco Cerrone
Screenplay: Francesco Cerrone
Cinematography: Francesco Cerrone, Pierfrancesco Baldi, Luca Scarparo
Film Editing: Francesco Cerrone, Mario Salluzzi
Music: Licenza Creative Commons 3.0
Cast: Antonio Pariante (Comitato di Portosalvo), Alessandra Caputi (Rete S.E.T.), Elena Coccia (Segretaria Provinciale PRC), Giuseppe Serrone (Ass. I Sedili di Napoli), Agostino Ingenito (Presidente A.B.B.A.C.), Alfonso De Vito (Comitato Magnammece o’ Pesone), Anna Fava (Rete S.E.T.), Sara Gainsforth (Giornalista, Scrittrice), Angelo Picone (Artista di Strada), Lucia Tozzi (Giornalista), Marco D’Eramo (Scrittore), Irene Ranaldi (Ass. Ottavo Colle), Carlotta Caciagli (Ricercatrice Normale Pisa), Antonio Fiorentino (Gruppo Urbanistico PerUnaltraCittà), Roberto Budini Gattai (Gruppo Urbanistico PerUnaltraCittà), Maria Tartari (Postdoctoral IULM, Alessandra Esposito (Ricercatrice DICEA, Paolo Maddalena (Giurista, Accademico).
Production: INCAPA PROD.

Streets, squares and neighborhoods: how the urban scenery of the cities changes and transforms under the weight of the forces of Touristification and Gentrification; in what ways the policies governing the spaces and uses of the same impact the lives and relationships of the inhabitants of those places. The cities are dismembered, smashed to pieces, privatized and deprived of their original purpose. An investigation that starts in Naples but that, throughout the peninsula, collects reports from activists, journalists and urbanists reflecting on the impact of tourism on cities and on its consequences, and revealing its unseen mechanisms. Towns are transformed into big ‘showcase cities’ created to be exploited by passers-by and consumers, ending up all looking like each other. A big standardization of taste and flavors that ends up erasing the peculiarities and the soul of the city itself. RECINTI URBANI examines those urban transformations that, under the guise of requalification and regeneration, tend to bring forward a new image of the city as cleaner, shinier, and as captivating and instagrammable as possible, pushing inhabitants of these places away, thus causing the emptying of entire neighborhoods and parts of the cities. An investigation that questions the role that cities, public spaces and public decision-makers, but also the people who specifically live in these places, will have to take on.

Cinema Astra
Monday 23 sept. 2024 h 10.00
Auditorium San Micheletto

Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2023, 86’, col.
Director: Gianluca Manzetti
Screenplay: Gianluca Manzetti
Cinematography: Tommaso Terigi
Film Editing: Ilenia Zincone
Music: Giovanni Piccardi
Cast: Francesco Gheghi, Mikaela Neaze Silva, Mino Caprio, Gabriele Falsetta, Gianmaria Martini, Fabrizio Ciavoni, Federico Rosati, Maurizio Bousso, Marilisa Protomastro, Gabriele Fiore, Alessandro Bernardini, Lidia Vitale
Production: Eliofilm

In a scorching hot Rome flooded by garbage and electric scooters, Al (25) is a serial dreamer. He’s watching his biggest dream fail, when destiny entrusts him with a new mission: solve a murder with the help of Betty, who, like him, is escaping reality to find her place in the world.

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2021, 33’, col.
Director: Giuseppe Tesi
Screenplay: Grazia Frisina (freely adapted from the book “Madri. Tre pièces”)
Cinematography: Riccardo De Felice
Music: Marco Baraldi
Cast: Melania Giglio, Giuseppe Sartori, detenuti della Casa Circondariale di Pistoia
Production: Electra Teatro A.P.S. Pistoia

The short film, Stabat Mater, freely adapted from the plays Madri (Oèdipus ed. 2018) by Grazia Frisina, has Mary as its protagonist. The divine aspect of her figure leaves room for the human one. There is the pain of the Mother, the desperation in front of the dead Son, a desperation so great that she refuses to be Blessed just to avoid seeing him suffer, just to avoid having to bury him. And then there is also, and always, the possibility of a second chance, and maybe even a third or a fourth, because it is never over until it is really over. All of this in the 33 strong, touching, powerful minutes that speak to the gut and the heart, of which the “Stabat Mater” by Electra Teatro is composed. The film is directed by Giuseppe Tesi and masterfully interpreted by two professional actors, Melania Giglio and Giuseppe Sartori, and by an exceptional choir: twelve inmates from Pistoia’s prison.

Cinema Astra
Sunday 22 sept. 2024 h 18.30 ca

Italy, 2024, 20’, col.
Director: Lavinia Andreini
Screenplay: Lavinia Andreini
Cinematography: Noa Boucquillon
Film Editing: Lavinia Andreini
Music: Eros Bianchi
Cast: Barbara Di Roma, Milena Liberti, Patrizia Albachiara
Producer: Giovanni Ragusa

The main character is a young woman who tries to pursue unrealistic beauty standards and, because of that, she ends up isolating herself from the rest of the world. It will be her grandmother’s death that will make her realize that beauty is not found only in aesthetics but also in precious moments spent with loved ones, seeing your body change little by little, and your mindset.

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2023, 30’, col.
Director: Esther Grotti
Screenplay: Esther Grotti
Cinematography: Esther Grotti
Film Editing: Esther Grotti, Nicola Raffaetà
Production: Esther Grotti
Cast: Esther Grotti, Arnoldo Foà, Roberto Cappelli, Giuseppe De Leo, Piero Pantucci, Ombretta Cecconi, Barbara Dusseck, Mario Belgrano, NilufaR , Carlo Lemmetti, Roberto Ghilarducci, Pier Paolo Caffaratti, Massimo Todaro, Linda Arriggini, Simonetta Borelli, Renato Bonuccelli, Marco Bertuccelli, Maria Grazia Barsotti, Tiziana Nicolussi, Rosanna Prato, Mara Motto, Patrizia Borelli, Alfredo Crotti, Antonio Bertacca, Silvia Cicolin, Vanessa Cecconi, Simone Cappelli, Carlo Maria Madrigali, Angelo Boattin, Barbara Ricci, Helena Antonelli, Diana Venturi, Stefano e Ginevra Andres, Gabriella Presentini, Antonella Sicari, Marina Venanzangeli, Cinzia Terrazzini, Laura Cappelli, Paola Francesconi, Gianni Musetti, Teres Musetti, Rita Musetti, Carina Quarella, Elena Madrigali, Anna Baldi, Elena Jenco, Andrea Lavaria, Federica Domenici, Pier Vito Leone, Romina Papaverone, Paola Romanini, Luca Cefaratti, Marusca Vitali, Stefania d’Alessandro, Giuseppe Cagetti, Edvaldo Paoli, Nicola Raffaetà

A poet seems to die. A poet cannot completely live and die. A poet generates words, sometimes, a daughter. The daughter has been silent for forty years, like a distracted seed in the spring. But spring explodes, and no one can stay at home, because the father presses, poetry presses, and just Nature can listen to them. Finally, centimeters are born, meters are born, kilometers are born, so sweaty, shouted, whispered, then they generate the no-time of poetic Transhumance. Beyond the pages of the book lives the absolute gift of oneself, as a laceration, a pure act of Freedom. Hello, Vittorio Grotti!

Auditorium San Micheletto
Sunday 29 sept. 2024 h 15.00

Italy, 2024, 20’, col.
Director: Giacomo Pellegrini
Screenplay: Ernesto Giuntini, Giacomo Pellegrini
Cinematography: Stefano Bella
Film Editing: Davide Polo
Production: 28 Studios
Cast: Simone Coppo, Nicolò Pasetti, Luca Przekoracki, Leone Frisa, Ernesto Giuntini

War is the worst time to realize that you could never love who you wanted to, because from that moment you are just beasts to the slaughter and life has no more time.

Cinema Astra
Saturday 28 sept. 2024 h 19.00

Italy, 2024, 28’, col.
Director: Emiliano Galigani
Screenplay: Sebastiano Pistritto, Emiliano Galigani, Domenico Zazzara
Cinematography: Alessandro Casalini
Film Editing: Domenico Zazzara
Music: Valentino Favotto
Cast: Marco Brinzi, Teresa Morici, Rossella Ambrosini, Marina Elena Savino, David Paryla
Production: 9 Muse Films, Kahuna Films, Ems Produzioni

Based on a true story: Young Zoraide, who is under a spell for her lies, lives with a group of adults in an isolated house in the woods. During one of her explorations, she encounters two creatures with strange appearances and a mysterious woman who takes her back home, inviting the whole family to the feast of the King of the woods. However, the apparent kindness of the woman hides a dark truth, and soon Zoraide and her family find themselves trapped in a dangerous game of deception and secrets, where nothing is as it seems.