Lucca Effetto Cinema 2024 – Call For Entries



The deadline to register is TUESDAY 3 SEPTEMBER!

We are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for performers, public establishments, and hotels in the historic center of Lucca to participate in the 11th edition of Lucca Effetto Cinema, which will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024. The event, in collaboration with the Municipality of Lucca and the North-West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce, is an open-air manifestation of the Lucca Film Festival 2024 that will transform the historic center of Lucca into an open-air stage, offering a unique and engaging experience.

The event will feature micro-performances co-produced by the festival along with dance companies and amateur theater associations from all over Italy. The performances, lasting 5-10 minutes each, will be scheduled at regular intervals of at least 30 minutes. The thematic areas will include the following cinematic genres: horror, thriller, animation, musical, comedy, drama, war, science fiction, fantasy, and western. Each thematic area will host different performances, adhering to the respective theme.


All performerspublic establishments, and hotels are invited to register for free by sending an email to with:
– Name and contact details of the company or individual representative
– Type of proposed performance
– Any preferences

The artistic direction will send you the participation regulations upon registration.

Note: The regulations must be completed and sent back to validate the registration by September 3, 2024.
The artistic direction reserves the final decision regarding admission to the event.

Participation of Public Establishments

Participating public establishments are invited to decorate their premises or dress their staff according to the theme of the film proposed by the participating companies or based on the thematic area. This helps create a festive and engaging atmosphere, enriching the visitors’ experience. Each establishment cannot participate with the same film within the same thematic area.

Awards and Recognitions

There will be awards dedicated to participating companies and public establishments:
– Jury Award for performers: €500 for the best performance
– Jury Award for public establishments: €500 in eco-sustainable tableware, for the best scenography dedicated to the participating venues

Performance and setup must be inspired by the same film, in line with the respective thematic areas.

Participant Benefits

– Daily access permit to the ZTL zones of the city center for one vehicle per performer or company
– Dedicated space for changing during the event
– Online advertising space dedicated to each participating company or performer
– Welcome kit

Event Schedule

September 28, 2024:
– 16:00 – 19:00 – Area Kids:A space dedicated to children with four performances.
– 19:30 – 00:00 – Six Thematic Areas in the Historic Center: Each area will host a maximum of four performances alternating throughout the evening, with set designs inspired by cinematic genres. Companies will perform in specific spaces such as squares or main streets.

Parade of Performers: During the opening night of the Lucca Film Festival, on Saturday, September 21, 2024, participating dance and theater companies will be presented. The parade will start from Piazza San Frediano, following a route through the historic center to Cinema Astra, the heart of the festival.

Lucca Effetto Cinema aims to promote culture through the seventh art, thanks to small live performances. The festival celebrates artistic and cinematic diversity, offering the opportunity to explore and appreciate various cinematic genres and performance styles. The event enhances the historic center of Lucca and promotes cultural tourism, enriching the local community and visitors with high-quality performances.

Over the years, the Lucca Film Festival has honored great names in international cinema, from Oliver Stone to David Lynch, from Rutger Hauer to George Romero, from Paolo Sorrentino to Willem Dafoe, including Susan Sarandon and Isabelle Huppert. It is one of the flagship events of the Tuscan cultural scene, made possible thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca. Banca Generali Private Wealth Management (Paolo Tacchi) and Banca Pictet are the main sponsors of the event and exhibitions.
