Out of Competition Short Films 2024


Lucca Film Festival 2024 – Out of Competition Short Films  (in alphabetical order)

Cinema Astra
27 september 2024 h. 4.00 PM

Italy, 2023, 15’, col.
Director: Alessandro Cino Zolfanelli
Screenplay: Alessandro Cino Zolfanelli
Cinematography: Lorenzo Scudiero
Film Editing: Lorenzo Scudiero
Music: Francesco Sottile
Cast: Giulia Grandinetti, Alessandro Pacioni
Production: Andrea Gatopoulos, Marco Crispano, Leonardo Kurtz
A man struggles with his obsession for a monster he encountered when he was a child.

Cinema Astra
27 september 2024 h. 4.00 PM

France, 2023, 15’, col.
Director: David Padilla
Screenplay: David Padilla
Cinematography: Thomas Bataille
Film Editing: Solène Cotten
Music: Pierre-Antoine Durand
Cast: Calliste Dupin, Michaël Vander-Meiren, Antony Cinturino
Production: Jonathan Hazan
Catholic boarding school, 1970. Father De Monval is supervising a film projection when a young schoolboy sees something that will turn his life upside down.

Cinema Astra
29 september 2024 h. 9.00 PM

United Kingdom, 2023, 16’, col.
Director: Tom Stuart
Screenplay: Tom Stuart
Cinematography: Adam Singodia
Film Editing: Selina Macarthur
Music: Joe Wilson
Cast: Ben Whishaw, Marion Bailey
Production: Kay Loxley, Max Marlow, Elettra Pizzi, Tom Stuart
Danny’s attempt to rob a bank with his overbearing mum is scuppered by the appearance of their family doctor. With his mum in the back of his van, and a dead pigeon on the passenger seat, Danny has a growing sense of desperation. But as more and more figures arrive to disrupt his day, we begin to sense that everything is not as it seems.

Cinema Astra
27 september 2024 h. 4.00 PM

Lithuania, 2023, 15’, col.
Director: Adas Burkšaitis
Screenplay: Adas Burkšaitis
Cinematography: Zbigniev Bartoševič
Film Editing: Adas Burkšaitis
Music: Aurimas Vilkišius
Cast: Elena Vasiliauskaitè, Kasparas Akcijonaitis, Tomas Žaibus
Production: Kotryna Ramanauskaité, Greta Akcijonaitè
Early spring in a lonely village. An 8-year-old girl Mėta struggles to find help for her injured dog. Mėta’s journey raises questions about guilt and collective responsibilities of the community.

Cinema Astra
27 september 2024 h. 4.00 PM

France, 2023, 25’, col.
Director: Mathias Rifkiss, Colas Rifkiss
Screenplay: Mathias Rifkiss, Colas Rifkiss
Cinematography: Romain Fisson-Edeline
Film Editing: Mathias Rifkiss
Music: Mathias Rifkiss, Colas Rifkiss
Cast: Louise Massin, Sébastien Chassagne
Production: Jeremie Chevret
In the village, they say that Denis and Céline have a little problem with their relationship. His manhood is affected, and Denis decides to enter a wife-carrying race in the hope of regaining esteem and respect.