What Might Have Been (Was gewesen wäre) by Florian Koerner von Gustorf (Germany, Hungary, UK, 2019)

Director Florian Koerner von Gustorf
Screenplay Gregor Sander
Cinematography Reinhold Vorschneider
Film editing Mona Bräuer
Music Max Müller
Cast Christiane Paul, Ronald Zehrfeld, Sebastian Hülk, Barnabay Metschurat, Mercedes Müller, Lena Urzendowsky, Leonard Kunz, Matti Schmidt-Schaller, Erika Marozsán, Tamás Lengyel
Production Flare Film, WDR, ARTE
Astrid is in her late forties and has her life firmly under control. She has fallen in love with Paul, and their first-weekend trip together takes them to Budapest for a few romantic days, just the two of them. But in the Hungarian capital things happen differently than planned: they run into Julius, Astrid’s first great love who she met at an artists’ party in the GDR in 1986. It was a love that was never easy, but always exciting. There are still feelings that couldn’t really be ended by the course of history. Together with Paul, Astrid looks back at her past, and suddenly everything could be as it had never been.